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 Estrella Maintenance & Technology
nptam Offline


Beiträge: 5

05.10.2009 09:42
Exhaust system - Need help Antworten

Hi, the exhaust pipe of my Estrella (the big one as in photo below) is damaged. In fact its resonance is strangely noisy, the technicien found that it was opened and some elements have been take off, as well as the silencer was changed.

As I want to restore its origin state (as close as possible), I wonder if sommeone has a picture of its interior, from what I can ask the mechanic to manufacture a new one.
To Andreas: I found this helpful tipps but my german is zero !!! I can only see the pictures, if you have other ones with higher definition?
Thanks for your attentions


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

05.10.2009 13:00
#2 RE: Exhaust system - Need help Antworten

Hello Tam,

This page is more how to remove the interior ...

A new original Estrella pipe is extremely expensive (at least in Germany) ...
So, your mechanic/technician might find a cheaper solution? There are many exchange pipes in Japan I think. They are not available in Germany as we have not much Estrellas here (and strict laws). I don't think that you get the interior from Kawasaki. You only get the whole pipe.


nptam Offline


Beiträge: 5

06.10.2009 05:10
#3 RE: Exhaust system - Need help Antworten

Hello Andreas, many thanks for your quit reply.
Me too, I don't think that Kawasaki sale the interior separately. All I need is that some pictures or drawings detailing the exhaust pipe's interior like this one (come from a W650?)

Our mechanics can fabricate (by copying) a hole new pipe with a modest price (about 30€), provide that I have to supply enough details.
By the way, do you think the classical pipe sold by
can fit on Estrella? 60€ is not very expensive, but the shipping cost is another thing !!! And they don't ship to Vietnam !!!


Dünnling Offline


Beiträge: 519

14.10.2009 16:54
#4 RE: Exhaust system - Need help Antworten
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