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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
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gazza Offline


Beiträge: 9

29.03.2020 23:41
clunking noise Antworten

hi Iam a newbie, my bj250a has a clunking noise while riding and only does it when you back of the throttle, it wont do it on a stand only on the road, any ideas?

gazza Offline


Beiträge: 9

04.04.2020 13:36
#2 RE: clunking noise Antworten

Scarlet thorn any ideas, you seem to very knowledgeable>

gazza Offline


Beiträge: 9

09.04.2020 13:28
#3 RE: clunking noise Antworten

Good morning,
I am unable to go for a ride and record the noise due to coronavirus restrictions,
the noise is a loud clunking, sounds like its a back lash sort of noise when you back off the power,
it does not sound like a bearing noise,I have checked chain and sprockets and cush drive, it makes noise in all gears,
just wondering if there are any known problems? gearbox,balancer shaft,etc any problems with woodruff keys wearing?
any help would be welcome,

Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.207

10.04.2020 10:14
#4 RE: clunking noise Antworten

Hi gazza,
I haven't heard the noise the exhaust pipe (between engine and muffler) makes, when the inner tube is loose.
Perhaps that's what bothers you. If that's the case it's harmless.
I hope it's nothing serious.


gazza Offline


Beiträge: 9

10.04.2020 18:24
#5 RE: clunking noise Antworten

Thank you for your reply,I do not think its anything to do with the exhaust, it is a heavy clonking noise as if its something worn or loose.
Thanks again,

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