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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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 Estrella Maintenance & Technology
Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

03.06.2006 06:21
Petrol Tank Antworten


Huberts petrol tank seems to be a bit wobbly? Does anyone else have this problem, or is it normal to be able to move the tank slightly from side to side?



Kiwis can fly!

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

03.06.2006 09:10
#2 RE: Petrol Tank Antworten
Hi Claire,

nice to hear from you again!

I think it's normal if the tank is A BIT wobbly.
The tank is fixed on the frame by only on screw (130). This screw doesn't fix the tank itself but a collar (92027). And between the collar and the tank are two soft plastic dampers (92075A) and (92075C). This is to avoid, that vibtations influence the tank directly.
In front of the tank are two other dampers (92075), under the tank another one (92075B).
But it is only fixed by one screw.


Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

05.06.2006 23:39
#3 RE: Petrol Tank Antworten

Thanks Andreas and hi to you too

I shall stop worrying then, the tank is probably fine.


Kiwis can fly!

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