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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten und wurde 1.019 mal aufgerufen

27.10.2005 12:02
Hi Claire, thanx for posting me the link to the second Estrella living in NZ! Here it is: I think it's not in very good condition! It is 13 years old, has been painted like a "rat bike" and 4000 NZ dollars are about 2350 Euro!  Hubert looks a 1000 times better! But at least, Hubert's not alone anymore!!! [edit]Sent them an email in the evening. Let's see if I'll get an answer ... [/edit] CU Andreas
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27.10.2005 20:56
I got quite a shock to see it on the auction site How many others out there I wonder, I will have to keep a look out. Does that mean I can claim a payrise now as the Grand Poobar of the South Pacific chapter of Estrella owners? I have doubled the membership you know C Kiwis can fly!
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