I recently bought an Estrella in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The previous owener told me he "thought" it was a 2003 BJ250A.
I've searched the engine number and frame number on data bases but nothing comes up.
There's a few hints that make me think it may or may not be what he says. firstly the engine and frame numbers are definitely BJ250A... but by this website it says the A's stopped production in the mid 90's? Secondly it came in this horrendous electric blue colour and had the circular Estrella logo on the tank (as opposed to the more elongated, oval estrella insignia). It also came with saddle seat, pilion AND saddle bags.
Of course this could all have happened after the factand many years after its production. Still, I'm confused....
Yes; the "BJ250A" stopped in the 1990s. BUT this is only the "model description" (for green German Estrellas). ALL Estrellas have a BJ250A number for motor and frame (until now).
Maybe you can post a photo ... BUT: Many Estrellas who come from Japan to Cambodia, Thialand +++ are modified! Japanese love to modify their Estrella. Also different tanks are not unusual ...