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 Estrella Maintenance & Technology
Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

05.12.2005 13:48
Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten
Hi everybody,

Claire sent this email to me:

I have a question I was wondering if you could put into the German forum for me. There are sooooo many more people reading the German questions, so I am hoping someone may be able to help me.

Hubert is missing (you know spluttering as if the fuel filter is dirty) when I ride him up steep hills in 4th gear. It only ever happens in 4th gear and I could be doing 60 or 80 kms it doesn't seem to make any difference. It sometimes happens on the flat but is really bad going up a steep hill, I have to change gears to stop it. I was hoping the full service I had done recently would fix the problem but it happened again in the weekend.

Are you aware of anyone else having a problem like this? I would welcome any thoughts or suggestions to fix.


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

05.12.2005 22:42
#2 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Hi Claire,

Virginia is the only one who's answered so far. Hope we'll get some other statements!

What did she say? Well; my technical English is not too good but I'll try to translate ...

She wrote: It might be that the fuel system is partly blocked. You don't notice it riding on normal roads but when Hubert has to work hard climbing a hill, the fuel required might not be enough because the system is partly blocked.
It might also be the carburretor needle. Especially if Hubert stood a long time. Maybe (parts of) the carburretor needs to be cleaned. The "floating chamber"? (Andreas says: Have you tried a carburretor cleaner fluid? You can buy small bottles with carburretor cleaner you have to fill into the fuel tank. It cleans the carburretor a bit. A professional cleaning might be better, but you needn't give Hubert to a garage. Maybe a try?!).

Virginia also writes: It might be that the membrane in the "under-pressure-fuel-valve/outlet" is damaged. The "under-pressure-fuel-valve" normaly has the task that fuel only gets out of the tank when fuel is required. If the membrane is damaged, the valve "thinks" that Hubert needs less fuel required and Hubert doesn't get enough fuel. Virginia had the same symptoms with an older Honda.

I think you should first try this carburretor cleaner you add to the fuel. Shouldn't cost much! If it doesn't work, a garage should have a look at the carburretor or the fuel switch (where the membrane and the "under-pressure-fuel-valve" are in).
I don't think that it has anything to do with the motor.

Rostkratzer wrote some days ago that he uses the carburretor cleaner regularly. I think Hubert has only about 6000 km in 11 years? This means, that the fuel stayed a long time in the carburretor without being renewed by fuel from the tank. Try the cleaner! Every motorcycle dealer should sell such a cleaner, no matter which brand he sells! Tell him the symptoms. If he wants to "repair" Hubert, ask him if the cleaner isn't worth a first try. He should say "yes".

Hope we'll get some more response to your question tomorrow!

Hope you understood everything!
Hard work for me!

Can't we write about Macbeth? That's easyer for me!
No! I'll keep on improving my technical English!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

05.12.2005 23:20
#3 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Thanks Andreas and Virginia

I'm off to the bike shop now to get a bottle of carburettor cleaner.

Will keep you posted.

Thanks again

Kiwis can fly!

Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

06.12.2005 04:09
#4 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten


I went to the shop and spoke to the mechanic who thought it was more likely a gear box problem!
This is because it only happens in 4th and if it was dirty carbs it would happen in other gears too.

The problem he spoke of refers to wear in the sprokets but my bike has only done 4000kms. I have had the bike checked out to see if these kms are genuine and the mechanic felt Hubert was in great condition and looked like a bike that has only travelled 4000kms. So why would I have a gear box problem? Any thoughts, anyone else had problems with gears?

Oh by the way I still bought the carb cleaner and am going to give it a go, it certainly won't hurt.

I welcome any feedback on my problem.


Kiwis can fly!

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

06.12.2005 07:25
#5 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten
Hi Claire,

can't believe it is the gear box!
The Estrella is not known for gear box problems. Especially not at that milage.

11 years and 4000km are surely "not enough"! Hubert must have stood too long.
Others are much better technicians than I (!!!) but I would compare it to a person who does no sport at all. He / She has problems when it goes upstairs. I hope that the carb cleaner works a bit like alcohol and "widens Huberts veins". If it doesn't work, the carb should be cleaned.

But we'll see what the others write!

addition 1
Wolfgang agrees that it is very unlikely that it has to do something with the gear box. He says that the carburretor should be cleaned via ultrasound bath - which fits to what Virginia and I said. The fuel stood in Hubert's carb for a very long time, so remains might have left there after 11 years with only 4000km. The ultrasound bath losens those fuel remains.

addition 2
Provini says it might be the ... ... tank ventilation system (the tank has a system where air comes in to replace the fuel). If this hole is partly blocked (by sand e.g.) the air can't come in.
Might be a reason! I had such a blockade once, too with my GPZ500S. But in my case, the motor went out! Or I had troubles staring the bike.
UC: We stay searching the error in the fuel system and not in the motor section.

addition 3
Dieter says: You normally recognize gear box problems by hearing irritating sounds or by problems changing the gears. No idea why the mechanic talked of gear box problems. Maybe he should take a short ride with Hubert. A good mechanic should know more after the test. The conclusions here in the forum sound much better.


Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

06.12.2005 08:40
#6 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Thanks Andreas

After news like that I had to widen my own veins with a beer or two

Will keep you posted.

Kiwis can fly!


12.12.2005 10:04
#7 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Hi and thanks for all the suggestions.

I tried the carb cleaner fluid but the bike is still spluttering under load.

I will book in to see another mechanic (who has a friend who would like to own Hubert) and get him to have a look closer at the carburettor.


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

12.12.2005 11:46
#8 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Hi Claire,

Quote: "who has a friend who would like to own Hubert" ...

But I hope Hubert will stay by you!

Have you told his friend about the Estrella BJ250B at the Honda dealer in Hastings NZ?

Cross my fingers (and press my thumbs / that's the German way) that the problem will have been found soon!


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.395

31.01.2006 21:26
#9 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Hi Claire,

how's Hubert?
Does he feel better?
Did you do anything?
Do you know what was going on?


Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

01.02.2006 01:15
#10 RE: Up Hill Spluttering?! Antworten

Kia Ora

Poor old Hubert is still spluttering but only when going up steep hills. He is going a little better since I used the carb cleaner, but still missing/spluttering under load.

I have to take him into the dealership soon for a "warrent of fitness" (6 monthly check) so I will get them to have a look then.

Other than that we have been out quite a bit, had a nice ride on Saturday with about 30 other bikes. Hubert really stands out as he is so different to all the modern bikes, I guess you find the same thing.



Kiwis can fly!

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