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Estrellitan ( Gast )

03.01.2006 23:21
#1 Kawasaki W400 Antworten

Hi all!
Now I've heard the news..... New Estrella 400? or W400? will be announced in February and released in March. I hope it's advanced New Estrella. According to a scoop of
magizine, it's called W400 and has a two cyliners like W650. I hope it's good one.

Thank you.

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

04.01.2006 00:52
#2 RE: Kawasaki W400 Antworten
Hello Estrellitan,

that's really an exciting news!
Haven't heard or read about it before!

I'm curious to see the new bike - and if it will be an "Estrella 400" or a "W400"!

I fear we won't have the bike here in Germany or Europe.
The 400cc mashines have normally only been for the Asian market. Only few 400cc mashines came to Germany as Grey Imports.
And now it will also depend on how "enviromental friendly" they are! The restrections become hard and harder each year!

So, Christmas will be in February and March in Japan?!

Please tell me when you find any drawings or photos!!!
I have the "Kawasaki New Motorbike page" as one of my favourites and will watch nearly every day! Hope to be one of the first to show pictures in Europe ...

Many thanks

Claire Offline


Beiträge: 71

05.01.2006 08:39
#3 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

That is really interesting news.

I can't wait to see what it is called and what it looks like.

Kiwis can fly!

Estrellitan ( Gast )

08.01.2006 13:21
#4 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi Claire, Andreas and all!
Although the detailed specifications have not yet been announced, a new W400 will be nearly released, may be before rider's season in Japan. According to the information of Moto-shop, it has same shape with W650 and two cylinders. I don't know yet what it means. It's only W650's scale down model on capacity? or developed Twin Estrella? The 400cc will be for mainly japanese market, because of rider's license category in Japan. Anyway this moment, I can't comment, but as it's not announced in motor show '05, I'd liked to expect the new specific structure, even if common parts of W650/Estrella are used.

Looking forward to next information from manufacture......

Thank you.

A monthly (paper)japanese magagine "Motorcyclist" shows the C.G.image of W400.

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

08.01.2006 13:28
#5 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi Estrellitan,

more than unsure,
but in March 2006 will be the "Motorrad" in Dortmund (city where I live).
It's one of the biggest and most important motorcycle fairs in Europe.

Maybe Kawasaki will show the W400 there?
But as you wrote, it's surely only for the Japanese Market and will never appear in Europe.


dergelbeulrich Offline


Beiträge: 125

10.01.2006 22:23
#6 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten


Very interesting information - around the big cities where I live with little room for free riding a 400 or 500 cc would be ideal. I love this size but unfortunately nobody else does . At this moment I have a W650 and my wife rides an Estrella. If ever a retro 4/500 comes to Europe my W will probably be for sale, provided I fit on the new bike. Estrella is a bit small for me - so I'd prefer a downgraded W - not too downgraded though - and for nothing in the world I would like to miss the digital clock and meter of the W !!


Estrellitan ( Gast )

13.01.2006 21:19
#7 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi all!
Some moto-shops are accepting the reservation of W400, so surely be released in March. As their accounce, W400 is smaller than W650 with improvements of suspention etc....and it'll be very enjoyable vertical-twin model for small size riders. So, we may expect it. Anyway looking forward the official information.......

Thank you.

dergelbeulrich Offline


Beiträge: 125

13.01.2006 23:33
#8 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

well - it's over for me: I do not qualify for the category "small size rider W"

improvement of suspension the opposite would have been extremely difficult !!
Just if you wonder - I do love my W ! I know her flaws, they are the best you can imagine or desire...


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

13.01.2006 23:57
#9 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten
Hi Estrellitan,

thanks for the information!

Very funny!
"Andy" asked "why Estrella and not W650"?
We 'naturally' started an argue - we have W650 riders in here, too.
And Germans love to argue and discuss! I know that this habit is very strange for foreigners! They think we want to kill each other while we just "amuse" ourselfes.
The suspension of the W650 was one of the topics - only two days ago in the German part of the forum!

I watch the "what's new" pages of Kawasaki nearly every day, too!
Hope to publish pictures and some data on the day it comes out in Japan!
I managed it with the 2006 Estrella! The pictures were online less 12 hours after the release!


Estrellitan ( Gast )

18.01.2006 10:26
#10 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi Andreas and all!
I've not yet gotten the detail spec. on W400. According to the information from a moto-shop, the official announcement would be end of February and it would have a same frame with W650, but for a small body riders, lower riding
position would be made with improved suspention etc... to get a lower riding position without center stand....without kick stater....
I think a New W400 will not be a simple scale down model of W650. If yes, it'll
not be acceptable in japanese market, because the riders of hieght more than 170cm.., you can choose W650, but for small body riders, it's not easy to ride W650.
What do you think?

Thank you.


Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

18.01.2006 20:07
#11 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi Estrellitan,

there are some nice photos of female Japanese Estrella riders on the internet!
Beside the fact that the riders look nice, the Estrella seems to be a BIG bike!

Most of the German male riders are between 170 and 185cm.
The female riders between 150 and 175cm (?).

For me (171cm) the Estrella is really handy! But I never had problems with my GPZ500S or Suzuki GS500E and GS500F, too. The W650 would also fit.

I think some German female riders choose Choppers, Cruisers or the Estrella because of the height. But I think less 10% of the German riders are female ...


P.S.: Estrellitan, you should login to see the riders map (and put a sign onto your hometown in Japan!!!). If you have problems with login, send me a short email and I will help you!

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

04.02.2006 15:41
#12 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Estrellitan sent me this picture via email:

It has no main stand, no kick starter and different shock absorbers.

If it's really a Kawasaki W400 or just a photomontage?
We will see!

CU Andreas

Cadfael Offline


Beiträge: 3.396

15.02.2006 15:42
#13 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Hi everybody,

The NEW Kawasaki W400 was officialy introduced this morning on the Kawasaki website Japan!

It will be available from 20th March 2006 on in Japan.
It will cost 628.950 Yen. That's 91.350 Yen less than a W650, but 145.950 Yen more than the Estrella. A fact which might save the Estrellas live?

Here are some photos from a link, Estrellitan kindly posted to me:

The official website is:


YoYo Offline


Beiträge: 71

16.02.2006 08:03
#14 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

Well, it looks nice of course, but in my opinion it is far too heavy for it´s 29 PS. So it lacks the charm of the Estrella and the power of the W 650. As Cadfael has put it in the german forum: It has got the disadvantages of both machines.


Masayuki Offline


Beiträge: 15

16.02.2006 13:48
#15 RE: Kawasaki W400 / Estrella 400 Antworten

I,too,knew the news of W400 at the official site of Kawasaki today.
With the very nice motorcycle,it got to want immediately.
,I ride Estrella for the time being because I love Estrella.
Estrella maximum


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